
Tokyo Panopticon Retribution

Fueling Station 9:33 AM. Kuhaku and his fellow Sinners are refueling after an Operation Involving some Ramosa T-Type Abductors at the Geofront. Laughter could be heard from all corners of the room when suddenly explosion rang out from everywhere and the Retribution alerts rang. On High had begun one of their Retributions and this time they targeted the Tokyo Panopticon. "Sinners move out and commence citizen evac STAT!!!!" Screamed Uwe from across the room. "Kuhaku, Elfriede, Beatrice, Mattias your duty is to keep Abductors busy in the immediate area, 2 of them are right on top of the fueling station so me, Nina, Ann & Sergio will take one of the 2 you handle the other one. "Akarimashta" said Kuhaku acknowledging the orders and he quickly moved out along with his squad.

When Kuhaku and the gang exited the Fueling Station they quickly saw their target abduction a citizen, this time they were fighting a Ramosa T-Type Boundless Void direct frrom On High and their mission this time was to destroy the thing and secure the citizen. "This is some right fucked up shaz, what is this the 3rd Retribution this week? What is this a game to On High?!" Exclaimed Mattias "I don't know whats happening back home but this many Retributions is definitely not normal" Replied Beatrice "Make small talk on your own time Sinners we have Abductors to destroy!" Said Elfriede while running towards the Ramosa, she started dragging down the Ramosa while Kuhaku jumped on the things pod and started severing it trying to free the captured citizen. The Ramosa jumped high into the air and shook Kuhaku off of its pod and started shooting homing lasers, the team split up dodging the lasers and then immediately resumed the Ramosa drag down, after pulling down the Abductor Kuhaku quickly smashed the pod open and commenced citizen evac to the nearest RRU. After evacuating the citizen all efforts were concentrated on bringing down the Ramosa. "Damn, that was a tough one, i don't think I've ever ever seen one of these models before" Commented Mattias "These models are direct from On High, they the best of the best that they have to offer" Replied Elfriede with a scowling tone. "Guys i think you should turn around and look up!!" Said Kuhaku in a panicked voice "WHAT?!!" Screamed Mattias. Behind them were 2 Special S Type Paradoxa Class Abductors capturing citizens. They quickly split into teams of 4 (Accesories included) and began diverting attention from the citizens. Mattias and Elfriede managed to take down one of the Paradoxa's and quickly ran to assist Kuhaku and Beatrice who were evacuating a captured citizen to a waiting RRU.

After evacuating the citizen they were ambushed by yet another Abductor this time another Ramosa T-Type, caught off guard, Kuhaku was knocked to the ground. "KUHAKU!" Shouted Beatrice as she jumped in front of the Rammosa to defend her teammate. "BEATRICE!!!" Screamed Kuhaku as he saw his teammate get tossed around like a rag doll, Kuhaku quickly retaliated and severed one of the Ramosa's front legs and quickly went to help Beatrice, she was unconscious and heavily wounded, Kuhaku grabbed and quickly began evacuation to a safer place, along the way he met up with Mattias and Elfriede. "Is she alright?" Asked Elfriede "Shes hurt but she'll live" Replied Kuhaku "Either way we need to get out of here and fast, lets meet up with your dad Elfriede" Sais Mattias "Yes that seems to be the safest option" Replied Elfriede. After a short trek to the CODE 4 Citizen's Promenade they met with Uwe. "We got wounded!!" Shouted Kuhaku, Nina quickly picked up Beatrice from Kuhaku's hands "Shes fine she just suffered a blow to the head, but shes gonna be out cold for a while" Said Nina. Suddenly the CODE 4 Promenade started shaking and a Special @ Type Dionea Class Abductor broke through the Promenade and started charging his laser. "Kuhaku with me! Let’s put up a wall and block that!" Shouted Uwe as he started Charging his Shielding Thorn, Kuhaku followed suit and both of them together built a masssive Thorn Shield that blocked the incoming laser attack. "All right it’s time to end this! Uwe, Mattias, Elfriede your with me, let’s take this thing down, Nina, Sergio you stay here and protect the citizens and the wounded" Shouted Kuhaku as he prepared his Azoth Knife, "heh, you heard the man Sinners, get your asses in gear!!" The 4 of them quickly charged the Dionea, Kuhaku latched on to the Dioneas wings and started severing them to prevent further mobility, Elfriede and Mattias were dragging down the Dionea while Uwe dreww his attention, Their accesories provided cover fire for Kuhaku while he depseratly tried to sever the Dioneas wings. After severing one of the wings the Dionea went into Pursuit mode and quickly threw aside the Accesories and Uwe, Mattias and Elfriede were knocked aside by the Dioneas tail and Kuhaku was pushed aside along with Mattias and Elfriede. The Dionea began making its way towards the citizens, Nina & Sergio stood their ground and kept it away from the citizens but they wouldn’t last long without backup. Kuhaku quickly got back on his feet and together with his accessory (Raika), Nina, Sergio and their accessories began pushing back the Dionea but with a quick movement of its claws he sent the team flying. Things looked bleak, with blurry vision Kuhaku could see the Dionea approaching him, his body was giving out, he could barely move when suddenly a huge explosion was heard and knocked the Dionea off balance “Oh what the hell now?!” Thought Kuhaku only this time it wasn’t enemy reinforcements but friendly reinforcements, Natalia had arrived sporting backup in the form of accessories and began assaulting the Dionea, The damage it had sustained was minimal but it was just enough for Natalia’s team to bring it down and save the group.

3 Days after the battle the team was enjoying some free time in between Operations. Kuhaku was outside the Fueling Station staring at the sky when Beatrice approached him “I never really got a chance to thank you for saving me after the Ramosa knocked me out” Said Beatrice “Thanking me? I should be thanking you, if you hadn’t jumped in when you did the Ramosa might have actually got me” replied Kuhaku, Beatrice blushed as if she had completely forgotten about that. “But anyway, that last retribution was way above the average pay grade even for On High, I ean sending a Dionea Class Abductor? Just what is Carlos and On High planning” Said Kuhaku in a serious tone “I don’t know but what I do know is that we have to stop them, my father is currently working towards the same goal and I will stop at nothing until I can meet him again.” Replied Beatrice in a casual tone, “Well whatever they’re planning were going to stop them, together!” Said Kuhaku with a big grin on his face, Beatrice blushed and nodded in acknowledgement of her friend and companion.



Silverpine Forest the Aftermath

Chapter 1: Return of the Worgen

It has been 3 months since the forsaken reclaimed Silverpone Forest and many forsaken villagers have begun settling in Silverpine. But not all is peaceful, there have been worgen sightings around the Sepulcher and the settlers have begun to worry. Lady Sylvanas sent troops to monitor the area as well as some members from the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow. One such member in the ranks of the cult is Romulus Ravencroft one of the champions responsible for the retaking of Silverpine from the Gilnean Liberation Front. Troops and cult members have been stationed around the new villages for 2 weeks and only a few Worgen have been sighted, but everything changed on a stormy night. It was puring like never before thunder exploded in the sky and lightning was seen for miles ahead, the people were boarding up their houses when all of a sudden a bone chilling scream was heard, “aaaaaahhhhh!! Help the Worgen are coming!!” A frantic forsaken by the name of Wallace rushed to the guard post “What happened?!” asked the guard “It was horrible, hundreds of Worgen led by Ivar Bloodfang have begun attacking the south of the village” The guard quickly went up to the top of the post and sounded the horn, but just as he had started an explosion came from the north with each of the post in the east and west sounding their alarm respectively. “Wake the cult members and get the troops ready!” said the guard to his comrade, “SIR!” replied the guard as he started running to the barracks to start a counter attack.

“Wake up!” Shouted the guardsmen as he entered the barracks “We got Worgen invading our village!” “We have to move now and defend the village!” The forsaken warriors started heading out into the chaos, swords clashed, axes swung and maces bashed into skulls, Worgen and Forsaken fell in battle and just as it seemed that the forsaken about to win this fight, Worgen reinforcement arrived from fenris isle, apparently they had already taken control of Fenris without the Forsaken troops noticing, and mages, warlocks and priests came pouring from the isle and with came a turn of battle for the Worgen as spells clashed against steel and the bodies of the forsaken troops were burnt and beaten by flame, ice and shadow magics. “RETREAT!” shouted the Forsaken general. As the Forsaken started their retreat, they got surrounded by Worgen rogues who had snuck behind them amidst the chaos of battle. Just when all hope seemed lost for the Forsaken a giant Mind Spike spell was shot and killed more than half of the Worgen warriors, as the Forsaken and Worgen looked around they saw a series of shadows atop a hill covered by the rain, only their glowing eyes were visible and with that the Forsaken knew…Reinforcements from the cult of the Forgotten Shadow had arrived and with them the hero that secured silverpine months before…Romulus and with a single phrase “Embrace the Shadows…” sent the full might of the cult to battle against the Worgen mages. The tide turned quickly for the forsaken and beast after beats fell before the mighty shadow magic of the cult. With the flow of battle turned in favor of the Forsaken, Ivar Bloodfang lept into battle and started tearing through the Forsaken army, with this Romulus lept into battle himself.

Romulus and Ivar met face to face and quickly began a battle that would decide wich faction would win this battle. Romulus quickly cast Mind Spike at Ivar but Ivar dodged to the left and countered with a quick Claw Spike Romulus parried with his Shadow Dagger and quickly shot a Mind Blast at Ivar who got blown back a fair distance, quickly wiping the blood off of his face and using his superior speed attacked Romulus from behind and dealt a powerful blow that brought Romulus to his knees. As Romulus lie on the floor Ivar was closing in for the finishing blow when suddenly Ivar got sent flying by one of Romulus’s Shadow Apparitions, the apparition fended Ivar long enough for Romulus to get himself back on his feet and fire another Mind Blast at Ivar this one however was direct hit and Ivar fell on the floor beaten and defeated. Romulus walked up to Ivar “Its over Ivar for you and your Worgen” Ivar looked at him with a snowl and as Romulus was about to finish Ivar off, he was saved his troops who had fired a cluster of spells and forced Romulus to step back. As Ivar was being carried away from the battlefield he shouted “You may have won this battle Romulus but the war is just beginning, we will take Silverpine Forest in the name of Gilneas and in the name of the Alliance!!!” Romulus gave little thought to those words and headed back to his troops to help the wounded and have his own wounds treated.

Chapter End

Chapter 2: Old Enemies

It’s been 2 months since the first Worgen invasion of Silverpine and after their leaders defeat at the hands of Romulus the only Worgen sightings around the area of the newly built Shadoweave Village have been little skirmishes and scouting parties. Romulus sits atop of his house in the village having deide to move into the village in order to better help the guardsmen and the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow members defend the area. 2 more months passed and finally the Worgen have made their move this time they are led by none other than Talón a Worgen Warrior who alongside Darius Crowley led the battle against the Forsaken back during the battle for Silverpine Forest. Romulus having seen Talón back during the battle quickly sent out a messenger crow to the Undercity asking to send backup, as he himself being a Shadow Priest was at a disadvantage if Talón ever got to close range. “So we meet again Talón” shouted Romulus from atop a hill. “Romulus Ravencroft! Prepare to be destroyed! This time I wont let you leave this place alive!” and with those words Talón jumped at Romulus who quickly balsted him with a swift Mind Blast sending Talón flying back to the ground, Talón quickly recovered and hurled his Battle Axe at Romulus which forced him off of the hill and into the battlefield. With Romulus now at even footing with him Talón quickly charged at Romulus which Romulus dodged and countered with a Mind Flay spell only for Talón to dodge it and counter with a Heroic Strike, Romulus blocked it with his Shadow Dagger but it wasn’t enough and got sent flying across the battlefield, before the dust settled Romulus fired a barrage of Mind Spikes at Talón which Talón swiftly dodged but not before being hit by another Mind Blast, which sent him flying. As Talón flew through the air he quickly grasped his Axe and threw it at Romulus who quickly moved out of the way before being able to fire off another spell, which gave Talón enough time to recover and quickly charge at Romulus once more, this time with an endless Rage that prevented any kind of counter attack from Romulus’s part, before long Talón’s relentless Rage wore down Romulus enough for Talón to land a decisive strike impairing his movement. As Romulus lay down on the floor unable to move Talón walked up to his Axe and picked it up and bore down the full weight of it upon Romulus, when suddenly…

It was 9:00 in the morning, moments before the battle at Silverpine started Vladimere was just getting ready to set out on some quests to earn some gold to buy the Reins of the Red Drake from the Dragon Queen Alexstrasza. Vladimere arrived in Northend at around 12:00 pm and immediately set out towards his daily rounds, it was an average uneventful day that is until a messenger Crow arrived with a letter attached to its leg, Vladimere grabbed the crow and took its letter upon reading the letter he saw the reinforcements request from his brother Romulus who was down on over at Siverpine Forest. Vladimere quickly summoned his trusty Wind Rider Fang and set out over to Silverpine to aid his brother before anything happened. “If Talón really is over at Silverpine I gotta head there as soon as possible, the best Romulus can do is stay alive until I get there I just hope I don’t get there too late” thought Vladimere as he flew at full speed toward Silverpine.

As Talón bore the full weight of his Axe at Romulus the only that was heard was the clash of a Scythe with Talón’s Axe, as Romulus looked up he saw only his brother blocking the deathblow that was aimed at him 5 seconds ago. “Vladimere?” asked Romulus “Yeah it’s me i got your damn bird, interrupt my questing why don’t you” replied Vladimere with a smirk on his face. “Heh! Relax im buying the drinks tonight, let’s just destroy this guy and end this invasion before the village gets destroyed…even more than it already is!” replied Romulus “By let’s, you mean me right? With that wound you won’t be moving for a while” said Vladimere “>.> yes…” replied Romulus his eyes looking to the side “All right let’s get this party started asshole!!” shouted Vladimere “Get ready to die Forsaken scum!” shouted Talón and with that exchange Vladimere and Talón began their bloody battle to the death. Being their first debacle the fighters began to feel each other out with a clash of blades, sparks flew as Scythe and Axe clashed “Not bad forsaken, your holding up better than your brother did” said Talón “You’re not so bad yourself pup but I think it’s time I stop messing around” Having said this Vladimere gained some distance from Talón and fired a spell at Talón revealing to his opponent just the kind of warrior he was…a Deathknight freed from scourge control. “Damn it a DK!” growled Talón, with a wave of his hand Vladimere unleashed his Howling Blast Rune spell at Talón, Talón dodged barely able able to escape the spells wide range, Vladimere grinned and continued his barrage of spells along with some sword play mixed in. Talón was forced to the defencive until a flame spell was shot at Vladimere, Vladimere moved out of the way and saw another Worgen standing atop a war blimp, it was Alastair one of the Worgen Mages that along with Darius Crowley and Ivar Bloodfang led the first battle for Silverpine. “So Alastair I see you still have horrible aim!” snarked Vladimere “So Vladimere we meet again” as Alastair said those words he fired a barrage of Arcane missiles at Romulus who was still wounded and immobile, Vladimere jumped in to protect his brother and activated his anti-magic zone to fend off the missiles. After the dust settled the only thing he saw was Talón and Alastair escaping on the war blimp, and with the village in chaos and his brother gravely wounded he couldn’t follow suit leaving him no choice but to finish up the few Worgen that remained begin planning for their counter invasion on the Worgen.

Chapter End


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